Tag: Highly Sensitive Person
Starting with Purpose: How Highly Sensitive People Develop Differently
You’ve probably come across Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, a theory suggesting that people develop through a sequence of needs, from basic survival to self-actualisation. However,…
High Sensitivity and Superpowers (with Scott Barry Kaufman)
I’m always slightly wary about the use of “superpower” to describe high sensitivity. In this episode of The Gentle Rebel Podcast, Scott Barry Kaufman and…
Social Justice For The Sensitive Soul (with Dorcas Cheng-Tozen)
In this episode of The Gentle Rebel Podcast, Dorcas Cheng-Tozen joins me to discuss her book, Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul. What draws highly…
Reframing Our Story Through The Lens of Sensitivity
This post was inspired by my invitation to take part in the ​HSP Awakening Virtual Summit​ (October 2023). It contained a range of talks looking…
A Creative Processing Practice Can Prevent Overstimulated Shutdown
Do you have a creative processing practice? I often think about the image of water flowing through pipes as a way to consider the role…
Suffering Under The Weight of Expectation
Do you ever feel the weight of people’s (including your own) expectations? This is often a burden highly sensitive people end up lugging around with…
What Wants To Rise Inside You? A Thought on Power and Healing
Some things feel impossible until one day, they feel inevitable. We might turn our back on a particular idea, possibility, or invitation for a long…
The Healing Power of Photography (with Tuula Ahde)
What do the photographs you take and choose to share say about you? What might your photos be saying TO you? I wonder if you’ve…
When is it Safe To Share Your Creative Voice?
Have you ever shared something you created? Whoa, it’s scary. I guess that’s what makes art so beautiful. It’s risky. Creativity carries an inherent sense…