Resources to inspire, equip, and encourage gentle rebels, deep thinkers, and highly sensitive people


Change can increase the volume of a highly sensitive nervous system. Even small and desirable shifts might feel noisy to navigate, often because of the added weight from the baggage we've picked up along the way through life, such as people-pleasing, perfectionism, and other adaptive behaviours.

In The Haven, we explore two sides of change:

Your Relationship with Change

Our internal scripts relating to change were crafted early in life, and we've refined them ever since. How do you respond to the prospect of change when it arrives or when something needs to shift?

Whether you embrace it or resist it, how you meet the moment is deeply personal, and understanding this relationship helps guide your actions when change is inevitable or necessary. We explore ways to shift the scripts over time to meet change in all its forms in the way we want to choose.

The Changes Alive for You Right Now

Perhaps you’re facing a natural change—an ebb and flow of seasons, growth, or ageing. Maybe there’s a desire to initiate change, such as creating space for new opportunities, breaking through stagnation, or addressing a challenge. Or, perhaps you’re absorbing a sudden, unexpected shift, like the loss of a job, the loss of a loved one, or something positive, like receiving an unexpected gift or opportunity.

We create and hold space for whatever you need right now.

The Change Quiz

It can be hard to know where to focus your energy and attention when responding to life’s changes. Maybe you’re ready to make a change but are uncertain about what to do next. Or perhaps you’re undergoing an undesired change and struggling to find footing.

The Change Quiz is designed to help you understand the overall landscape in your current relationship with change. This will help you consider simple, manageable, gentle steps to take as you move into this season of change. Take The Quiz

Change Archive

Relationship With Change

Your Relationship With Change as a Highly Sensitive Person

Our relationship with change has a bearing on wellbeing. It influences how we respond to the world and what we believe about our own place…

Slippers by the fire by jsnover from Getty Images (Free use via Canva)

Building Habits by Starting Slow and Small

There is a huge amount about the topic of habits and I don’t want to regurgitate what is already out there. So in this week’s…

Landscape Photography of River and Vallet by Zaid Abu Taha from Pexels (Free use via Canva)

Chasing The Mirage – You Don’t Have To Drink The Whole River

There is an old story that tells of a person wandering on a hot day. After a while, they became overcome by thirst and began…

Abandoned House by Alex Andrews from Pexels (Free use via Canva)

Making Peace With Our Internal Abandoned Villages

Many of us move around life carrying all sorts of abandoned hopes, relationships, and projects. If we don’t make peace with them they can weigh…

Picking Up The Pieces

Picking Up The Pieces When Things Fall Apart (With Sarah Santacroce)

Wow, what a difference a year makes. Sarah Santacroce launched her first book, The Gentle Marketing Revolution, in February 2021. We last spoke during ‘Random…

Seasons of Change

Highly Sensitive People and The Seasons of Change

During seasons of change, a highly sensitive person may need extra space and time for the deep processing that naturally occurs as the nervous system…

Fresh Starts

Fresh Starts, Mayflies, and Letting Go Of Old Ideas

When I was a kid, summer holidays were a time to reset. After a few weeks with nothing but a notepad, my imagination, and a…

Rocking Chair

The Rocking Chair Test

We often live like we have all the time in the world. In denial of the fact that one day we will die. This is…