06 | Strength (Coming To Our Senses)

Human strength is nurtured through our resourcefulness, by making use of what we have within, around, and between us.

In this issue of Coming To Our Senses, we build around the theme of Strength, thinking about the stories we tell about it, different ways people exert power, and the potential we create in collaboration.

Coming To Our Senses infuses the Haven’s unique spirit, giving us a platform to explore the intersection between high sensitivity, creativity, and the world around us. The zine builds on themes we’ve been reflecting on in different ways since 2014.

Strength | Coming To Our Senses (Video)

A Tribute to David Lynch

People might bring up Vincent van Gogh as an example of a painter who did great work in spite of, or because of, his suffering. I like to think that van Gogh would have been even more prolific and even greater if he wasn’t so restricted by the things tormenting him. I don’t think it was pain that made him so great, I think painting brought him whatever happiness he had. —David Lynch

The Stories of Strength That Shaped Us

We are shaped by stories. Our beliefs about strength set our judgements of self and others. Some are overtly conscious, while others sit beneath the surface.

Which of the stories do YOU recognise in your perception of strength?

What is the impact of those stories on you, your relationships, and the shape your life has taken?

Power Games

“If we were to ask ourselves who is the strongest person in our culture, the logical answer would be the baby. The baby rules and cannot be dominated.’ The baby rules over the adults with his weakness. And it is because of this weakness that no one can control him.” – Alfred Adler (via The Courage To Be Disliked)

Think about communities and groups you belong to or those people you spend most time with…

  • What does the flow of power look like here?
  • Do people seek to get to the top and control?
  • Is there a culture of power from below?
  • Or does it feel like a healthy collaborative culture, where power flows within, through, and between the people?

Let Your Senses Notice

As part of a Haven Kota exploring the phrase, “Might is Right”, we considered the smells, sounds, textures, sights, and tastes of power in our minds and bodies.

I invite you to do the same by letting these words pass through your senses…

  • What does “might is right” smell like?
  • What flavour can you taste?
  • What sound do you associate with it?
  • What is its appearance (shape, tone, size, specific objects/places/people etc)?
  • What does “might is right” feel like to touch? Does it have a texture?

Two Found-Poems on Strength

I ventured into the world of found poetry for this month’s zine. Taking the theme of perceived strength I focused on narcissism and personal development.

Power in Numbers

Numbers create strength; they topple buildings and cause vast shifts in political, social, and economic landscapes. For better or worse. This built on the reflection about the phrase, “Strength in Numbers“.

Conclusion – Ideas Are Beautiful Gifts

I finished the audio/video zine with a clip of David Lynch talking about where ideas come from. There is power in the simplicity of an idea, the exploration of which is like fishing.

You can download the zine as part of your membership. You will also have full access to previous editions in The Library. New issues will be publicly available to read/stream (but not downloadable) during their month’s release.

The Soundtrack

I write and record the soundtrack for each audio/video zine. Composing the music is intuitive as I respond to the topics and themes explored in the material. You can listen to the music (without narration) here.

About Coming To Our Senses

Coming To Our Senses is a community zine, published through The Haven. It infuses the Haven’s spirit, giving us a platform to explore the intersection of high sensitivity, creativity, and the world around us. It builds on themes and topics we’ve been exploring since 2014.

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