Tag: Wellbeing
Creative Ways To Start and Maintain a Journal Practice (With Mandy Thompson)
Many people describe their journaling practice as a keystone ritual in life. But what’s the point of it? Is it worth it? What are the…
What is a Gentle Rebel?
Stuck Not Broken – An Introduction to Polyvagal Theory (With Justin Sunseri)
Justin Sunseri is a Polyvagal-obsessed trauma recovery therapist & coach. He produces Stuck Not Broken, which is the first podcast built from the ground up…
Using Humour to Befriend The Inner Critic (In The Courtyard with Rox Alexandru and Neil Hughes)
I was joined by Roxana Alexandru and Neil Hughes for our November Courtyard Conversation. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed witnessing their ability to bring humour…
Using Coherent Breathing For Highly Sensitive Self-Regulation (In The Courtyard With Emily Agnew)
How do you meet the challenge of HSP self-regulation? Coherent breathing is an ideal tool to regulate your sensitive nervous system. Coherent Breathing is a…
Resting in the Aliveness of Being (with Rashid Hughes)
Rest is who we are beneath the noise. It is a sensing silence that sits beneath the pressure to maintain perceptions, manage expectations, and ceaselessly…
A Creative Processing Practice Can Prevent Overstimulated Shutdown
Do you have a creative processing practice? I often think about the image of water flowing through pipes as a way to consider the role…
Suffering Under The Weight of Expectation
Do you ever feel the weight of people’s (including your own) expectations? This is often a burden highly sensitive people end up lugging around with…
What Wants To Rise Inside You? A Thought on Power and Healing
Some things feel impossible until one day, they feel inevitable. We might turn our back on a particular idea, possibility, or invitation for a long…