"I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it." - Maya Angelou
Strength looks different for each of us. It is found in the unique stories of how we turned courage and bravery into action. Many gentle rebels' sensitivity has been misinterpreted as fragility or weakness. You might have spent your life absorbing the emotions of others, carrying burdens that were not your own, and adapting to environments that didn’t always feel safe for you to be yourself.
Rewriting our story through the lens of sensitivity isn't about resisting or hardening but about our ability to remain flexible, firm, and open. It’s in our capacity to accept and respect our sensitivity and use it to make the world a little more creative and caring. Here in The Haven, we celebrate the quiet power of sensitivity and provide space to nurture the strength that grows from self-acceptance and gentle courage.
You are enough—just as you are.
Pick a Card
I love using prompts to help us write, reframe, and share our stories in playful and creative ways. If you fancy exploring your relationship with the theme of strength, pick one of the following cards and spend time reflecting on the words it shows. There are no right or wrong ways to interpret it, just let your mind wander.
Allow yourself to engage, explore, and excavate. Be patient and notice what you notice. You might want to try setting a timer to write for 5 minutes without thinking or editing. Let the words flow and see where you end up.
Strength Archive
Explore the archive of "Strength" resources. You will find links to all posts below.
Alternatively, if you can't decide what to read, you can roll the dice and you'll be taken to a random post from the Strength archive.

06 | Strength (Coming To Our Senses)
Human strength is nurtured through our resourcefulness, through making use of what we have within, around, and between us.

Power in persistence
Persistence has power—it can contribute to a better world, but it can also do the opposite, extracting value and coercing people without consent.

Active Hope When The World Is Falling Apart (with Cindy Gale)
Active hope is not “blind hope” or wishful thinking. It’s about taking action rather than sitting back and saying, “I hope everything works out OK,” or waiting for the technological fix we want to believe is coming.

Strength in numbers
Numbers can topple buildings and spark change but can also reduce individuals to statistical fodder and data on a spreadsheet.

No pain, no gain
Without it, we gain nothing. Pain is love, creativity, compassion, and care. Without it, we gain nothing; we simply exist.

It was uncomfortable
Discomfort can be a sign of, and a catalyst for change, a question that pokes and prods, tickling and shaking us awake, even when we would much rather still be asleep.

Power through
Many people perpetually power through on the fumes of our strength and resolve. It’s no wonder we are burning out.

Stay strong and carry on
What does it mean to stay strong and carry on? What sort of strength do we need to maintain? Where does it come from? What does it look like?