Resources to inspire, equip, and encourage gentle rebels, deep thinkers, and highly sensitive people


Panic, urgency, and alertness narrow our vision to see what we expect, not necessarily what is true. Calm acceptance helps us see clearly and opens up a pool of options we can choose from. The latter is the foundation of serenity.

Serenity is a state of being that doesn’t come from escaping life’s difficulties but from moving through them with acceptance and grace.

Serenity is also an important theme for highly sensitive people, who often deeply feel the weight of the world’s noise and pressures. For those who tend to absorb others' emotions or feel a strong sense of responsibility for keeping and maintaining peace, exploring serenity offers a way to release the burdens that don’t belong to us. It is an invitation to let go of the constant need to fix, please, or shield against every discomfort and instead find grounding within.

In embracing serenity, highly sensitive people discover that true peace isn’t a break from life but an intentional way of being in it. It allows us to soften rigid expectations of ourselves and others, cultivating compassion and resilience over time. This inner steadiness reminds us that even in a world that can feel noisy and chaotic, we can still be grounded, present, and enough—just as we are.

Serenity Archive

Welcome Home to Serenity Island

A Spring Voyage To Serenity Island

Do you feel yourself drifting from where you wish to be? Are you finding it difficult to keep up with demands, pressures, and expectations that…

Serenity - Coming To Our Senses Kota

05 | Serenity (Coming To Our Senses)

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know…

I Will Not Be Moved

I Shall Not Be Moved | Kota

Have you ever been the rebel who refused to move? Would you like to be?

Caramel pudding in a glass jar on table - Free use through Canva

Anxiety, Custard, and the Meaning of Life (with Neil Hughes)

Many know anxiety well, navigating the ups and downs with our inner critic always close by. Author and comedian Neil Hughes shares this path, using…

A Handful of Mustard Seeds

A Handful of Mustard Seeds (A Parable For Serenity)

Serenity might feel like an ideal state, a place where we’ve risen above the chaos and messiness of life. But true serenity doesn’t come when…

Accept That You Are Accepted

Acceptance and Surrender as Foundations of Serenity

“You are accepted. You are accepted, accepted by that which is greater than you and the name of which you do not know. Do not…

Horse Miniature Toy on Top of Monopoly Board Game by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

How Do You Respond to Cheating?

Something peculiar was going on. There was no way they could be achieving these results without cheating. Could they? It left me wondering why people…

Woman Inside a Washing Machine by Ryan McGuire (Free use via Canva)

Stuck Not Broken – Polyvagal Theory (with Justin Sunseri)

Do you ever feel overwhelmed and confused by the unending conveyor belt of new labels and training programs professing to be the missing piece in…

Parts of Me

Parts of Me Really (Don’t) Want To

There’s part of me that wants to stay and part of me that wants to go.Something in me loves to play, and something in me…

Small tree houses in green woods by Enric Cruz López from Pexels (Free use via Canva)

Book Club | The Wisdom of Insecurity (Alan Watts)

Seventy years after it was written, The Wisdom of Insecurity still carries a message for our time—this age of anxiety where things often feel urgent,…