Might is Right | Phrase Maze
The Haven (Private Podcast): (Protected Content)
We spun the Phrase Maze wheel for the first time, and it landed on “Might is Right.” After the customary pause of bafflement, we jotted down some first impressions and began discussing different ways of thinking about those words.
Maybe you’d like to have a go too?
First Thoughts
What are your initial thoughts, feelings, and interpretations in response to the phrase Might is Right? Note down what it brings to mind. Perhaps you imagine a particular person saying it. Maybe it reminds you of a place, philosophy, or event.
Filter It Through The Senses
- Allow these words to pass through your senses.
- What does “might is right” smell like?
- What flavour can you taste?
- What sound do you associate with it?
- What is its appearance (shape, tone, size, specific objects/places/people etc)?
- What does “might is right” feel like to touch? Does it have a texture?
Stories and Experiences
What is an experience or story that comes to mind with these words? Maybe it’s a personal story or a tale you’ve encountered: a movie, a book, or a historical event.
Look at “Might is Right” From Another Angle
Unpick the phrase and look at it from different angles. What else could it mean? What else do you see in there? How else could it be interpreted?
What else does “might” mean? What else does “right” mean?
Let Inspiration Flow
Consider your sensory experience with the phrase. Its sound, smell, taste, texture, and look. How might you let this flow into something creative?
What aspects of this prompt are you drawn to explore further? How would you like to play with it? What questions does the idea that “Might is Right” bring to life in you?
You could try:
Creative writing – e.g. a poem, parable, or memoir based on the phrase
Knowledge – sharing research and/or expertise about a related interest, topic, or field
Instructions – Creating a “how-to” guide, recipe, or manual for something related to the phrase
Drawing – produce a graphic novel, satirical sketch, or character(s) that embodies the phrase in some way
Art – visual art, photography, collage, etc, inspired by the words
Culture – explore the social history and contribution of a cultural movement, person, or location that came to mind
Film, TV, and Books – write about a favourite movie, TV show, or book that “Might is Right” reminds you of
Music – write a music review, highlight a favourite band/artist, or create a playlist related to the phrase
Your Reflections
When you are finished, reflect on your experience exploring this phrase. Was it enjoyable? Did you find it easy? Have you uncovered anything helpful or surprising? What have you learned about yourself along the way?
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