the library

Resources to inspire, equip, and encourage gentle rebels, deep thinkers, and highly sensitive people

Our ever-evolving library of resources is curated to inspire, equip, and encourage introverts and highly sensitive people in accordance with the latest research. The materials support deepening self-awareness and growth through often accidental creativity, playfulness, and adventure.

Fancy visiting a random post from the archive?

Explore First Steps

If you're new in The Haven or you're just exploring, you might find these introductory posts a useful way to dip your toe in the waters of the ideas you'll notice around the community.

Untitled by MonikaP from pixabay (Free use via Canva)

The Haven Phrasebook

As a community grows, a shared language naturally emerges. Here you will find definitions for some of the words you might come across around here.

What is a gentle rebel drums

What is a Gentle Rebel?

Gentleness is an act of rebellion in a hostile world. But what does it mean to be a “gentle rebel”?


What is a Highly Sensitive Person?

High sensitivity has been with humans since the early days as part of our collective survival system.

Village Map

What is The Haven?

Welcome To The Haven. If you’re new, just looking, or returning after a break, I would love to show you around.

Explore By Topic

Posts and forum conversations organised chronologically related to topics of interest.

Creative Practice

Creative Practice

Articles, discussions, and resources (including prompts) to help you start, maintain, or pivot a creative practice. It doesn’t matter whether or not you consider yourself a “creative person”!



Articles, discussions, and resources exploring the joys and challenges of navigating interpersonal relationships as highly sensitive people.

Society and Cultre

Society and Culture

Articles, discussions, and resources exploring how we can use high sensitivity and creativity to change the world around us, and the impact of an insensitive world on our collective human nervous system.

High Sensitivity

The Highly Sensitive Trait

Articles, discussions, and resources raising awareness and understanding of the HSP trait to help us proactively design life in partnership with our natural temperament.



Articles, discussions, and resources to help support different areas of personal wellbeing and our relationship with the nervous system through a highly sensitive lens.


Work and Career

Articles, discussions, and resources about finding meaning in our work and approaching it sustainably in accordance with our values, beliefs, and needs.

Explore By Type

Do you enjoy interviews? Looking for some music to listen to? Fancy exploring our archive of replays from live gatherings? Or maybe you'd like to read/watch/listen to Coming To Our Senses (The Haven Zine). Here you will find the archives organised by their format.

Library Painting

Book Club

An archive of forum threads, session replays, and articles about the books we’ve been reading in the community.

Coming To Our Senses - ZIne

Coming To Our Senses

An archive of Coming To Our Senses; our community zine exploring the intersection of sensitivity, creativity, and culture.


Conversations and Interviews

An archive of conversations and interviews with different voices on fascinating topics through the lenses of high sensitivity and creativity.

Essays and Articles

Essays and Articles

An archive of written posts exploring themes and topics through the lens of high sensitivity and creativity.

Podcast Recording


Grab a mug of something tasty and explore the Gentle Rebel Podcast archives.



An archive of prompts we build and play with together to support journaling, self-exploration, and creative practices.



An archive of replays from Kota gatherings, Courtyard workshops, and other live events in The Haven over the years.

Sound and Music

Sound and Music

An archive of sound anchors, soundscapes, and livestream performances to help you find sensory inspiration and insight through music.

Explore The Themes



Adventure is about entertaining the possibility of taking a different route to the well-trodden path. This can happen on many levels.



Belonging is a deep sense of unconditional acceptance at the level of being. The feeling can’t be earned, bought, or sold. It starts within.



Exploring through a lens of change helps us find our place in relation to the ever shifting landscapes within, around, and between us.

Confidence Theme Banner


Confidence emerges when we trust the foundations beneath us. It’s no guarantee of success but it’s about knowing we will be OK when we fail.

Haven Creativity


Whether we are aware or not, our creative spirit quietly infuses every encounter, interaction, and breath that anchors us in space and time.

Inspiration Cover (No Words)


Exploring through a lens of inspiration helps us notice what we notice and identify meaningful ways to capture and express what we uncover.



Serenity is not an absence of noise; it’s how we greet, flex with, and choose to respond to life’s many uncontrollable happenings.



Strength lies beneath the surface, extending beyond appearances. Power can be brittle and fragile, while gentleness holds deep integrity.



Tranquility is the sense of home we experience when we perceive the world (or some part of it) as a safe and reliable place.

Haven Book Reviews

Do you enjoy reading? Our Haven Book Club gathers each month to discuss a different book. Here are some of the books we are currently reading as well as reviews of previous ones. Have you one of them? Please do share your response to it via the review form on the page for the book!

Book Club - The Humans

Book Club | The Humans (Matt Haig)

In The Haven Book Club this month, we read and discussed The Humans by Matt Haig. What did we make of it?

Pier at Sunset by Pok_Rie from pixabay (Free use via Canva)

Book Club | Anchored (Deb Dana)

“When the inner workings of our biology are a mystery, we feel as if we’re at the mercy of unknown, unexplainable, and unpredictable experiences. Once…

Small tree houses in green woods by Enric Cruz López from Pexels (Free use via Canva)

Book Club | The Wisdom of Insecurity (Alan Watts)

Seventy years after it was written, The Wisdom of Insecurity still carries a message for our time—this age of anxiety where things often feel urgent,…