High Sensitivity
Welcome to the Haven Library High Sensitivity Archive
Articles, discussions, and resources to raise awareness and understanding of sensory processing sensitivity to help us proactively design life in partnership with our natural temperament.
The Second International Conference on Sensitivity Research
Grab a banana, strap in, and explore some of the latest high sensitivity research with me! When the train arrived at 1:26 p.m., I knew…
Read MoreWhy True Accommodation is Sweet Relief For Highly Sensitive People
Have you ever received the gift of true accommodation? The feeling of being welcomed and accepted into someone else’s home. Where your presence is not…
Read MoreUnveiling the Hidden Strengths of Introverts (with Laurie Helgoe)
A Flâneur is an individual who enjoys leisurely strolling, lounging, sauntering, or loafing around town. Laurie Helgoe suggests that introverts may naturally reflect this approach.…
Read MoreWhat is a Highly Sensitive Person?
High sensitivity has been with humans since the early days as part of our collective survival system.
Read MoreHow Creative Practices Can Help You Explore Your Highly Sensitive Nervous System
So, you’ve figured out you’re a highly sensitive person…what do you do next? If you’re looking for a foothold as you explore and reshape life…
Read MoreWhat is a Gentle Rebel?
Gentleness is an act of rebellion in a hostile world. But what does it mean to be a “gentle rebel”?
Read MoreExploring Potential Through Creativity and Sensory Sensitivity
Are you ready to play with a new project? To explore the potential of an idea that’s been on your mind for a while? Or…
Read MoreSensitivity is Not a Superpower (with Scott Barry Kaufman)
I’ve always felt slightly uncomfortable about the way “superpower” is used to describe normal human traits. Last year, Scott Barry Kaufman wrote an article for…
Read MoreSocial Justice For The Sensitive Soul (With Dorcas Cheng-Tozen)
Dorcas Cheng-Tozen joins me to discuss her book, Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul. Why are highly sensitive people drawn towards it, and how can…
Read MoreA Creative Processing Practice Can Prevent Overstimulated Shutdown
Do you have a creative processing practice? I often think about the image of water flowing through pipes as a way to consider the role…
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