Is Something Shifting For You?

Facing Change
One certainty is that life will present unexpected and undesired twists and turns.
Are you facing a shift in circumstances? Maybe you're dealing with a change in your health, work situation, or an important relationship. You might be navigating a new season of family life, retirement, or re-location, where the landscape has changed and you're not sure what to do now.

Getting Inspired
There are times in life when inspiration strikes and it feels like time to try a different path. Perhaps you have seen someone create or demonstrate something you would love to test for yourself. Or you had an experience that showed you some new possibilities for your life.
You might not know the details, but you do know that it's time to get curious about some new options.

Feeling Stuck
Are you currently stuck in a rut or drifting through life without a sense of where you want to be?
Acknowledging that you're not satisfied with how things are is the first step. Maybe it's a particular aspect of life (work, relationship, health etc) that you can see isn't working properly. Or you might feel disconnected from your sense of creative purpose and progress and you recongise it's time to (re)discover it.
Would you like some support as you make a change, embark on a meaningful venture, or explore the possibilities for what could come next in your life?
I work with highly sensitive people (HSPs), introverts, and people who think deeply about things.
I learn what, how, and why you care, so I can help you can craft a meaningful journey that fits who you are from the inside out. We work together to create favourable conditions for you and your project (the central focus).
Through my writing, podcast, and online community, I explore the intersection of high sensitivity, creativity, and culture. I design environments, practices, and routines that allow sensitive individuals to find their natural pace and align with their unique rhythms.
The world needs gentle rebels to listen and trust our creative impulses and the things that ignite our compassion for the world around us. I long to see sensitivity rise within and express itself in healthy and creative ways for individual and collective human flourishing.
I would love to help this happen for you.
Infusing Creativity into Everyday Life
Creativity is a vital source of personal well-being, purpose, and life satisfaction.
Through my slow coaching spirals, I aim to help you connect and play with your creative sound and voice. It might not express itself in typical or traditional ways, but your creativity connects you with yourself, others, and the world around you.
Working together, we will gently peel back the layers to discover the playful, light-hearted, and curious spirit that your heart wants to explore.
Why Partner With Me?
There are many good reasons to work with a coach. It can help during a season of change, an urge to explore new things, or a sense of being lost.
Every coach is different and it's important that you feel comfortable and safe when you embark on a partnership. One of the reasons I write my blog, produce my podcast, and host live gatherings is to give you a flavour of who I am and how it would feel to work with me.
I bring my passion for making music to my coaching practice. Sound can anchor us in creative energy, safety, and possibility, which is why I create and share personal sound anchors (ambient music, field recordings, and meditations) based on themes and threads in our conversations. They help deepen and support your reflections, and they are yours to take with you and use in the future.
Clients often tell me it was hearing a podcast or watching a video that inspired them to get in touch. They were drawn to the tone, energy, and values they picked up on and resonated with. It's important to listen to that intuitive sense of rapport and connection.
Is Now The Right Time?
Are you deciding whether this is the right time to work with me as your coach? Do any of the following ring true?
Managing, Initiating, and Responding To Change
Whether you're responding to, preparing for, or dreaming of a life transition, we will prepare you to embrace this next season in the right way for you.
Creative Potential
Perhaps you have a creative itch to scratch (or test out) or you're struggling to complete a project. We will explore ways you want to play with, finish, and expand your creative endeavours.
Communication and Self-Expression
Does it feel like you've lost your voice? Maybe you've never really known it. Many HSPs put their own needs on the back-burner and lose themselves in the process. We will gently excavate who you are beneath the mask.
You can sign up for Fireside Spirals, which combine in-person, reflective, and asynchronous coaching. They effectively open multiple levels of processing, which allows you to bring greater insight and understanding to your "project".
This slow-coaching process starts with a conversation. We use our shared adventure journal to explore follow up questions/reflections, and I send a personalised video at the end of each spiral as a bridge to what comes next.
The Four Elements of a Coaching Spiral

1. Conversation
The Spiral starts with a live one-to-one conversation (60 minutes).
This call centres around your project (the reason you came to coaching). For example, a specific outcome you want to achieve, an area/idea you want to explore, or an exploration of potential options in relation to a deep as yet undefined desire for a change.

2. Follow-Up
Two-three days following the live call, I send some follow-up questions based on our conversation. These can be helpful prompts to help engage ongoing processing between sessions.
These are simple open questions and prompts to help guide and support your processing and internal conversation.

3. Insight
There is space in the adventure journal to write responses to my questions. Or you can do this as an voice memo audio message. You can respond to my follow-up questions/prompts if they are helpful, or you can share anything that has been on your mind between sessions.

4. Support
Once I receive your response, I record a video reply, with my reflections and a short sound anchor meditation. It is a bit like a personal podcast, which aims to help you maintain connection with your project.
The video also helps bridge from one Spiral to the next.
The Adventure Journal

When we start working together, we open a shared journal which we use to document and support your project. It helps keep us on track and organised during our partnership.
Spiral Dates
All the dates for upcoming live calls, follow up questions, and responses
Session Notes
A record of what we talk about in the session and any actions/commitments/agreements you decide upon
Follow Up
I share follow-up questions and prompts for you to reflect on between sessions
Additional Prompts
Optional creative prompts you can use between sessions for deeper exploration and play
Discovery Record
Space to share images, poems, videos, songs, articles, podcasts etc, related to your project and interests
Coaching Tools and Resources
I will share extra tools and resources that might bring further support to you and your project
Seasons, Rhythms, and Spirals
Some seasons require an upward spiral, when you are ready to build or expand. Other seasons require a positive downward spiral, when you want to grow roots, dig foundations, and plant seeds beneath the surface.
Life isn't linear. It is cyclical and rhythmic. We come back to places we've been before, yet there is always something different upon each return.
Meaningful growth often takes time. It requires patience and openness to listen beneath the noise and see beyond the fog.
Coaching Spirals provide the perfect conditions for this to happen in a way that feels purposeful and progressive.
How To Book a Coaching Spiral
I want this journey to feel safe, flexible, and open for you. That's why I provide pre-booked Coaching Spirals in blocks of one, three, or six.

Spiral blocks make the process of working with me simple and transparent. I want you to create conditions for safety throughout our partnership, which includes knowing what to expect when you sign up for coaching with me.
There are no hidden charges, up-sells, or tactics to pressure you into signing up for anything beyond the basic blocks.

The block options give you time and financial flexibility when it comes to booking Coaching Spirals.
If you know you want to work long term on a project, it might make sense to book a block of Spirals to use over the next three-six months. But a single Spiral could be perfect if you simply want to kick-start or explore the initial stages of a new idea.

It's not always clear when a coaching partnership has reached the end of its usefulness. But there is also a seasonal rhythm to how we might want to engage with coaching.
The partnership doesn't end when we conclude a block of Coaching Spirals. Unless you choose to move on, we leave the journal open and you are welcome to come back and book another spiral (or block) at any time.
Book Coaching Spirals
Pick from the options below. As soon as your PayPal payment goes through, you will be redirected to The Haven Fireside Membership page where you can create a Haven account (if you don't yet have one)
One Spiral
- 60-Minute Coaching Call
- Shared Adventure Journal
- Follow-Up Questions
- Personal Video Response (with personalised sound anchor meditation)
- 2 Months Haven Fireside Membership (includes the vault of bonus tools/resources)
Three Spirals
- Three 60-Minute Coaching Calls
- Shared Adventure Journal
- Ongoing Follow-Up Questions
- Three Personal Video Responses (with personalised sound anchor meditations)
- 6 Months Haven Fireside Membership (includes the vault of bonus tools/resources)
Six Spirals
- Six 60-Minute Coaching Calls
- Shared Adventure Journal
- Ongoing Follow-Up Questions
- Six Personal Video Responses (with personalised sound anchor meditations)
- 12 Months Haven Fireside Membership (includes the vault of bonus tools/resources)
Got a Question? Get in Touch