Resources to inspire, equip, and encourage gentle rebels, deep thinkers, and highly sensitive people


Adventure is about entertaining the possibility of taking a different route to the well-trodden path.

Exploring through a lens of adventure shows us the everyday ordinary ways our adventurous spirit wants to breathe life into us. It doesn't necessarily mean going on physical expeditions, travelling across the world, and enjoying adrenaline-fuelled experiences. It's about discovering new aspects of ourselves, exploring creative boundaries, and responding to the inspiration we find in the spaces around us.

Each of us has a unique sense of adventure. What does yours feel like?

Where does it want to take you today/this week/this month/this year?

Adventure Archive

Adventure in Finland

2023 | The Play is in You

Maybe there’s a voice saying you should be getting home…“there’s no time to play, take unnecessary detours or go on frivolous adventures.” But despite your…

2022 | The Harbour

Adventure isn’t simply doing what scares you. It’s about doing something that matters to you, even though it might scare you. What does the word…

2021 | Life as a Treasure Island

Exploring Adventure I properly released The Return to Serenity Island course this month. Which is all about coming back to who we are at the…

2020 | Freedom and Anchors

Introduction to Adventure We might associate the word adventure with adrenaline junkies and early adopters. Those who seek out thrills, and invite scary spills. If…